Site Investigation
Sometimes, a complete site investigation is required in order to evaluate the extent of contamination on your property. WRT utilizes our Geo-Probe© or handheld soil sampling equipment to collect soil and groundwater samples. We evaluate the presence of contamination and install temporary groundwater monitoring points.
All samples are collected and preserved according to the NJDEP guidelines and analyzed by a NJDEP certified laboratory. WRT will provide you with an accurate evaluation of contamination at the site.
A groundwater investigation is conducted to determine the extent and migration of contamination. Temporary or permitted groundwater monitoring wells can be installed and sampled to investigate potential contamination of groundwater. If migration occurs, a larger investigation must be conducted to determine the extent of the contamination. This will allow us to determine a Remedial Action Workplan to clean up the contamination in the groundwater.

Soil and Groundwater Sampling
WRT will perform sampling of soil and groundwater to determine the presence of contamination. The samples are analyzed using certified laboratory testing methods, determining whether contaminants are present and whether they reach a hazardous level. In addition, we use a Photoionization Detector (PID) to quickly and efficiently measure the levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and other gases.

Soil Probing
WRT provides GeoProbe© soil sampling services. A GeoProbe© is a direct push boring device used to conduct soil borings within an area of concern to determine if contamination exists, as well as determining the extent of the contamination (also known as delineation). Soil borings can also be conducted around existing underground tanks in order to investigate a potential discharge prior to tank removal. Sample results are normally available within 3 business days.

Monitoring Well Installation
WRT employs a full-time, NJDEP-licensed well driller, allowing us to provide efficient beginning to end soil and groundwater remediation services. Since all drilling services are conducted in-house, WRT can install NJDEP permitted monitoring wells within a few days and conduct the necessary sampling required to investigate potential groundwater contamination.
WRT is equipped to perform a wide variety of drilling services that are commonly used through the investigative and remedial phases of both residential and commercial clean-ups. Services include air rotary drilling in consolidated formations (where bedrock has been encountered), hollow stem augering in unconsolidated formations, and geo-technical investigations for determining sub-surface soil conditions.

Soil Vapor Intrusion Studies
Vapor intrusion occurs when volatile chemicals migrate from contaminated groundwater or soil into a building above. Cracks in the foundation and openings for utility lines allow chemical vapors to seep into the building, potentially presenting health risks. WRT will test for this problem, evaluate the nature and scope of the intrusion, and mitigate the exposure in the most cost-effective manner.